• Bringing our heads together for a common goal: protecting our wildlife.
  • + 254 (0) 20 2000290

    +254 716 842 277

  • Africa Conservation Centre

    Hekima Road, Karen, Nairobi

  • Mon - Fri  8:00am -  5:00pm



Below are the current Consultancy openings:

The Conservation Alliance of Kenya (CAK) located in Nairobi is an umbrella body with a united voice for environment and natural resources management organizations. The Alliance exists to support its members within their respective mandates in enhancing conservation and management at the county, national, regional and global levels in collaboration with partners. Click here to access our website for more information.

It is with the background that CAK is seeking to contract a consultant to undertake the development of a five years strategic plan 2021-2025.

Click here to download the Terms of Reference.


The scope of work will include:

           i.         Engaging the Steering Committee and the Board to determine the strategic direction of the Organisation;

         ii.         Identifying member expectations and priorities through a systematic assessment of members’ needs;

        iii.         Providing evidence-based recommendations to inform the design of the Organisation’s Strategic Plan;

        iv.         Determining the Organisation’s position to influence or contribute to addressing the identified gaps (including analysis of comparative advantage, SWOT and PESTEL)

          v.         Facilitating engagements with members, stakeholders and partners for the validation of the draft strategy document.


The Consultant shall undertake the assignment and submit deliverables within a period 5 months from the date of signing the consultancy agreement.


              i.         A post-graduate degree in social/political sciences, or any other related discipline in the environment and natural resources management (the team leader should possess this if applying as a consultancy firm or group);

             ii.         experience and knowledge in environment and natural resources management;

           iii.         Strong communication and facilitation skills (oral, written and presentation skills); and

            iv.         Experience in developing strategic plans, organisational frameworks, programmes design and logical framework approach, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation;

             v.         Strong research and analysis skills both qualitative and quantitative;

Submit your proposal to recruitment@conservationalliance.or.ke by 5th November 2020.


About CAK

Conservation Alliance of Kenya (CAK) is a limited liability membership registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, in Kenya on 22 December 2016. Membership is composed of International NGOs, National NGOs and CBOs with fifty-five members. CAK acts as a catalyst and ....  [ Read More ]

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Contact Info

Africa Conservation Centre
Hekima Road, Karen
P.O Box 2988-00502

+254 (0) 20 2000290
+254 716 842 277



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